I live being sensitive girl. Everyone called me a weak because I am easy to cry. I am happy, I cry. I am angry, I cry. I am sad, I cry. I am anxious, I cry. I cry a lot. So, a person is called a weak is me. Sometimes, I feel exhausted too. But hold back to not cry is hard thing to do. Why? Because I feel too hard to express the emotions in sentence or word. Sometimes, I feel release too, feel so good. I courage my friend to cry, that is okay and normal to cry, it is a good thing. Right
But since I was kid. I was called weak because I am a sensitive and easy to cry. Until I feel chronicle guilty being that girl. I just wanna be strong girl, never cry and feel no offend to something thay is not my fault. I couldn’t accept that so much, I hated it so much. I feel so wrong have that.I grew with feel guilty and be person who never know release her stress, until you feel you are totally not okay. I think people who doesn’t let other people cry is cruel. You can’t say that as too much. You never know their burden on their chest. You never understad that. Of course, you don’t take a responsibility what make their in that pain. It is not fair. But we can’t do more. What we can do is healing.
Until now, I am wondering, why people doesn’t let to cry? They say “don’t cry”. Sometimes I feel weak too because everyone make them as cry is wrong, not normal. So people can’t show the emotion. Sometimes, people like me, who can’t describe their feeling into sentence or word, cry is easy thing to help them to show and release their emotion. I am exhausted for thing that it is normal thing to do as a human. Just people be human. We are not weak. We are just be a human.